It’s been a tiring week. My flat mate is headed to London, courtesy his company for a long duration! We are all happy, wait! That means we have to do the whole house hunting bit all over
again! And we did some house hunting.
• Bangalore property rates are completely insulated from subprime crises which is affecting everything world over! Or so it seems with the astronomical amounts some of these guys are quoting.
• You are better off being a vegetarian, cause that increases your chances by 25%
• Being a “hindu” (yes you read that right), adds up for another 5%.
I woke up this Saturday to find some Kannada movie being shot on the roof of my house (not kidding!) Apparently, the producer is childhood chum of my landlord! Let me know if you guys want premiere tickets!
I could not catch the Dramanon play this week (Yeah, work again..!), but I have been hearing good things. And it was yet another whirlwind, humbling week at the stock markets! So for all those who burnt their fingers, hold on for a bit. And for those who think that it’s the right time to enter, do not bottom fish (yet)! If you are a seasoned guy in it for long-term, go for sound fundamentals and business value proposition!
* Yes, by now you must have noticed a new layout. Do not ask! Let me know what you think though(Does it load up right, readable??). I would like to work on the fonts and the Background colors..! Hmm… gah ! I try hard to bring simplicity to my life, but it deserts me! :(
** Update 1: This layout may not work in all display resolutions, Working on a fix. :)
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